Eyemax and STUST launched the "Armor Arena II - Team Glory" for the first domestic multiplayer battle VR Gaming game,
And for the first time exposure at the Vision Get Wild Award, that access to all concerns.

Armor Arena II-Team Glory For the first 3 v.s 3 VR game mode, the game can not only choose the game scene, there are a variety of different armor models can choose, and different armor modeling also have different attack effects, this game adds a richer change , And the game mode can be divided into all the annihilation mode, grab the flag mode, occupation mode.

The opening day, Audrey Tang committee member personally experience.



News Sources:

Vision Get Wild Award 71 School competition Audrey Tang fervently support VR Show-Chinatimes

Committee member Audrey Tang attended the show Vision Get Wild Award VR Show-Liberty Times Net

Kaohsiung "Vision Get Wild Award"  experience AR、VR Gaming-udn